Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have this problem whereby I think my weekends are my own, and I haven't gotten any work done. Despite the fact that I have a paper due on Monday, and a good stack of readings for class that needs to be completed. But somehow, I reasoned that sleeping in, playing ultimate frisbee, making spaghetti and taking a nap were all necessary Saturday activities. I guess there is a theory that there is always tomorrow.
This is an interesting time at Rotman, the students break into groups according to their preferred career path, and then break into groups based on their level of success. I don't know what it is, or what part of human nature drives it but it's there. I hope that soon enough we'll all have amazing summer jobs lined up and be packing our bags for somewhere hot and sunny... or if the boys have their way, a ski trip. But in either event, I think a break is overdue and so trying to make up for a lot of work and very little play in the first two quarters at MBA school by going out for the 3rd... maybe 4th? Time this week!
Nothing but good times ahead & best of luck to everyone in recruiting mode!

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