Monday, October 25, 2010


The best thing about second year is that I have had the chance to enjoy a bit of Toronto. I went and saw Wicked last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed the show. This time last year I would have been studying for exams.

School in second year is perfectly busy, I have to keep it in perspective to compare it to last year this time in order to think it's not that bad. If I compare it to the time between work and school, when I was on Vacation, its clearly not easy! The most comparable thing for second year is undergrad. When you have semester's, except classes are only once a week. Unlike first year we actually have ebbs and flows of work (busy weeks and quiet weeks that are actually quiet).

For our out of school stuff, I still have many of the same events occupying my time (Stock Pitch, Finance Super Saturday and so on) its just from the perspective of helping the students in the incoming class and organizing the events (which takes far more time than actually participating in them.)

Anyhow, if you want your second year to be low key, don't sign up for a club executive role. It is both awesome, and very time consuming, so make sure you want to do it!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fourth Week Second Year

I am obviously far less diligent about posting entries in second year. I hypothesize that it is because I am less busy with school work and therefore looking for less opportunities for procrastination. Have more time to go out and hang out with my friends, which means I am not sitting at Rotman blogging. Tonight is another Tipsy Tuesday, been a good showing of both first and second years so far this year, and I am trying to get some work done before we head out for drinks.

Naturally, I am therefore writing a blog post!

Second year is a different kind of busy, I believe I already mentioned this, but its Student Club events and school work and for some the first stretch of second year is occupied by recruiting. Student Club exec and director roles actually require a fair bit of work. So, people considering running for a position, be sure you are prepared for it to be the equivalent of at least 2 more classes if not more. This of course depends on how much you put into it.

Some people can minimize the work effort, and others will go overboard. I guess we are all learning how to balance it all, and of course maintain our motivation to stay on top of things. Rotman has a big pay it forward culture, so the previous students helped us, alumni helped them and now its our turn to help the next group of students who will be expected to go on and help their successors.

Anyhow, I hope that we are able to help the incoming students and that they are successful in their career and academic endeavors, and more so, I hope they want to keep it going next year.

Off to Ottawa/Montreal for Thanksgiving so happy holidays!