Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend & MBA life

Another weekend over. Its hard to believe how quickly they go. Not that weekends are all that different from week days. I had a group meeting yesterday from 10 am to 2 pm. Plus a few more hours of work, followed by a night out with friends.
Today, another group meeting putting together a presentation deck for Latin America Study Tour on Brazil and Argentina Financial Systems. Looking at these types of projects, I haven't really done this kind of research in a really long time and had to get back into the critical research mode. The main problem - no Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. While it is great for general information, it is not academic and should be corroborated by other actually published resources.
We have another quiz this week, Global Managerial Perspectives (affectionately called GMP like every other MBA class that can possibly be shorted to a TLA)
The thing about quizzes is they force you to study. When you have to study, the good old procrastination beast rears its ugly head and all of a sudden doing that reading, or catching up on the news, planning for a weekend trip and laundry all become very important.
I for one spent part of last night (when I should have been studying) catching up on LOST. Amazing show, but the reality is the show will be there later, the opportunity to learn about economics and international trade prior to the quiz is a limited factor. Have to continue to remind myself to keep on pushing, work hard and the rewards will be worth it. Slack off, and often the indulgence isn't worth the price paid. (E.g. if you slack off and then find out you short changed an assignment, didn't put enough effort in, and got a marginal mark, after working hard for every other assignment in the class, you realize you are on the cusp between grades, and had you put a little more effort into that early assignment, you would be up a point.
I suppose life is full of lessons and hopefully many of them stick. Sometimes lessons have to be learned the hard way, and sometimes you can learn from someone else.
Right now, I am learning that no matter how hard you try, it is very very very difficult for an MBA student who lives alone to eat meals at home. Particularly when even on Sunday I am ordering delivery to the school. One day I will go grocery shopping.... but I get the feeling that day is in May 2011.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two weeks in... 7 to go.

Two weeks into the fourth quarter. I kind of feel like I am writing a long description of a basketball game. First quarter, 3 pointer! Second quarter, strong defense. Third quarter: traveling. Fourth quarter, who knows....

We have had our first quiz of Q4, a few assignments and a fair bit of reading and classes. Life is pretty busy at good old Rotman high. And it's feeling more like high school than ever. Everyone is pretty gelled as a class, and we are all getting anxious about the summer, the schools offices are starting to plan for next year already, and the weather is starting to tease us with a few good days.

The motivation to clean up our "third quarter Olympics and relaxing" behaviours and hit the books in earnest. I think I have said before, and I will say it again, with a six week quarter, you are behind after your first class. So prioritize, address what you need to and can get taken care of, and keep on keeping on.

By this time of year, there are still (per usual) a number of students seeking jobs. The hunt continues, the career forum's are still being held at school with networking opportunities and the perspective changes.

I am hoping that positive thoughts bring us all through this last quarter and we can finish up first year with success. I know I will plan on celebrating in South America on the study tour! Now to do the homework for that class! Oh boy.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

No good excuses

The fourth quarter has started, Olympics wrapped up, and we are staring at a very busy set of classes for the next 5 weeks.

Current schedule (and rating on a scale of 1 to 10 so far)
Ethics (9)
Integrative Thinking Practicum ( more neutral and waiting to decide what I think)
Managerial Accounting (7)
Global Managerial Perspectives (8)
Operations Management (5 - I am definitely not an engineer!)

Lots more assignments this quarter than there were in Q3. But also seems like we are all at the end of our storage of patience. At least I am. The title for this blog entry, no good excuses, comes as with there not being recruiting, having just come back well rested from a week off, and not having major world events like the Olympics, I really have no excuse not to be completely on top of EVERYTHING. And yet somehow... I am not.

I guess it will have to be the old "I'll buckle down this week!" and see how it goes.

will return with updated thoughts on classes etc at a later date!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Student Involvement

Its the time of year in which we are starting the fourth quarter of first year and anxiously planning for summer and second year. The information on clubs and student council is out, and there is a healthy buzz about students getting involved. There are lots of great people interested in positions and I am eager to find out who lands where!
Right now we have the student elections for Graduate Business Council. Some level of interest, but it was disappointing to see that a number of positions had only one student running for them. One of the many benefits of student council representatives is the election in which students are given a voice. But if they are not given options, then there is a certain self selection process which leaves positions to be won by acclamation.
I hope that there are more people applying for roles - that we have a great council next year! Best of luck to those applying.
Incoming students who are student council/ club 'types' which many MBA students are, should know there is lots of opportunity to get involved and if it doesn't pan out for first year, there are lots of options for second year.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Top 10 things to do in your first year as a Rotman MBA

10. Get involved, meet people and get sucked into the world of Rotman
9. Study, study, study.
8. Hang out with people - more relationships (genuine friendships) you have, the more the whole experience is worth all the study, study, study.
7. Perfect your resume/cover letter writing skills. Remember your resume is never "finished."
6. Sacrifice study time to meet industry people - they may be your boss one day!
5. Read the business press. If you are taking an MBA hopefully it interests you to start with.
4. Practice time management skills (you simply cannot do it all, so pick and choose!)
3. Prepare enough for everything that is IMPORTANT so that whatever happens, you don't regret not giving it your all.
2. Avoid studying in the fishbowl. Otherwise it will become your mailing address, mix it up.

And the number one thing to do.....

1. Go somewhere fun for spring break. A little R&R and a sun tan go a long way to making the final haul of Q4 not look so scary. The break is well-deserved and much needed, so take advantage of the time off.

As you can probably guess, just back from Mayan Riviera in Mexico, after a restful week of R&R. Have a lovely sun tan, and slept more in the past week, than the previous 2 (if not 3) weeks combined. Managed the best of both worlds with a little family time and traveling with some friends. Personally - I didn't want a party week, and took the time to rest, contemplate the difficult decision of which pool to camp out at for the day and caught up on some non-academic reading.

Some of our class hit the slopes, others headed to Vegas or home to wherever they hail from, a couple of Caribbean trips and a scattering of Mexico sun searchers too. Some ventured to NYC, Chicago or Montreal for a different city scene. Whatever you can swing, be it sunny Mexico, Niagara Falls or a home-cooked meal with the folks. Take a break!

That is my two cents for the day! More to come later, have prep for the Latin America Study Tour that is capturing my interest daily! Brazil & Argentina here I come!