Monday, October 25, 2010


The best thing about second year is that I have had the chance to enjoy a bit of Toronto. I went and saw Wicked last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed the show. This time last year I would have been studying for exams.

School in second year is perfectly busy, I have to keep it in perspective to compare it to last year this time in order to think it's not that bad. If I compare it to the time between work and school, when I was on Vacation, its clearly not easy! The most comparable thing for second year is undergrad. When you have semester's, except classes are only once a week. Unlike first year we actually have ebbs and flows of work (busy weeks and quiet weeks that are actually quiet).

For our out of school stuff, I still have many of the same events occupying my time (Stock Pitch, Finance Super Saturday and so on) its just from the perspective of helping the students in the incoming class and organizing the events (which takes far more time than actually participating in them.)

Anyhow, if you want your second year to be low key, don't sign up for a club executive role. It is both awesome, and very time consuming, so make sure you want to do it!

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