Sunday, February 14, 2010

Olympics 1, School work 0

It has come that long awaited time that the Olympics are in Canada, in my home town of Vancouver. When these incredible athletes are ripping down the hills that I learned to ski on, and I am somehow supposed to do school work? Its not going so well.
I have all these ambitions, about putting the TV on mute, so I just watch the events and avoid the commentary. But that isn't going so well. I end up with one eye on the TV and a leadership essay that is rapidly turning into a series of mish-mash sentences because I never finish a thought.
The whole first four weeks of Q3 has been a write off, with the assumption that I will buckle down in the time before finals and just take up residency in the library and power through the work. How on earth is that supposed to happen?
Occasionally, on this blog, I try to share some advice for future Rotman students, or students potentially navigating the decision of whether or not to be future Rotman students. In this blog, I am asking advice. Aside from the obvious (turn off the TV and miss the Olympics, or accept the badgering impact on my GPA) what is a girl to do?
Thoroughly enjoyed watching the freestyle moguls, biathlon and am looking forward to some more moguls today.
To top it all off, I am planning for and attending classes related to the Latin America Study Tour, and booking a spring break adventure to Mexico!
Will work on focus tomorrow. In the mean time, Happy Valentines Day, Happy Family Day and Happy Olympics!

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