Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend & MBA life

Another weekend over. Its hard to believe how quickly they go. Not that weekends are all that different from week days. I had a group meeting yesterday from 10 am to 2 pm. Plus a few more hours of work, followed by a night out with friends.
Today, another group meeting putting together a presentation deck for Latin America Study Tour on Brazil and Argentina Financial Systems. Looking at these types of projects, I haven't really done this kind of research in a really long time and had to get back into the critical research mode. The main problem - no Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. While it is great for general information, it is not academic and should be corroborated by other actually published resources.
We have another quiz this week, Global Managerial Perspectives (affectionately called GMP like every other MBA class that can possibly be shorted to a TLA)
The thing about quizzes is they force you to study. When you have to study, the good old procrastination beast rears its ugly head and all of a sudden doing that reading, or catching up on the news, planning for a weekend trip and laundry all become very important.
I for one spent part of last night (when I should have been studying) catching up on LOST. Amazing show, but the reality is the show will be there later, the opportunity to learn about economics and international trade prior to the quiz is a limited factor. Have to continue to remind myself to keep on pushing, work hard and the rewards will be worth it. Slack off, and often the indulgence isn't worth the price paid. (E.g. if you slack off and then find out you short changed an assignment, didn't put enough effort in, and got a marginal mark, after working hard for every other assignment in the class, you realize you are on the cusp between grades, and had you put a little more effort into that early assignment, you would be up a point.
I suppose life is full of lessons and hopefully many of them stick. Sometimes lessons have to be learned the hard way, and sometimes you can learn from someone else.
Right now, I am learning that no matter how hard you try, it is very very very difficult for an MBA student who lives alone to eat meals at home. Particularly when even on Sunday I am ordering delivery to the school. One day I will go grocery shopping.... but I get the feeling that day is in May 2011.

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