Monday, September 20, 2010

First Week Second Year

The first week of classes in second year has been pretty interesting so far. The 'second year is easy' theory is a myth and highly dependent on the classes you are taking and your ability to compare second year to first year. All things considered, it is a lot less work and more back-heavy in terms of assignments, and more weighting in the finals etc. The other benefit of second year is picking your groups. So you get to work with your friends, and hopefully people who are on the same page as you in terms of how much work they plan to put in and expectations on performance.

The other thing about second year, especially the first week, is that the work hasn't piled up (yet) and the weather is still pretty nice, so events like the boat cruise call are generally well attended and a good time to be had by all. Had a great collection of people from Rotman and a few other schools, a mix of first and second year students and a variety of beverages.

Not too much else to say, except that its time to crack open the books and get on top of this years work load!

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